"21" to be released March 28th

"21" is a 2008 drama film from Columbia Pictures. It stars Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey, Kate Bosworth, and Laurence Fishburne. The film is based on the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich, Bringing Down the House. about a group of M.I.T. students who took the casinos for a millions counting cards playing Blackjack. The film is scheduled for release on March 28, 2008. Finally, a movie worth going to see at the theater! I actually worked as an extra on this film playing a cocktail waitress at the Riviera. Also, at Red Rock Station playing a nightclub patron and pool guest (btw-it was 40 degrees that day) and at the Palms at Ghostbar. It was a blast!


  1. OMG, it looks like its going to be a great flick!

  2. Kevin Spacey is one of my favs- hope its as good as the trailer.
