Prive NightClub @ Planet Hollywood- BYOBooze

Just in time for Samantha Ronsons D.J. gig tonight,The Privé nightclub was denied a liquor license and ordered to cease operations by midnight Tuesday for failing "to abide by the duties of a liquor licensee," the county's Business License Department announced Thursday just hours after Planet Hollywood Resort paid a $500,000 fine for not properly overseeing activities at the nightclub.The nightclub and lounge had been operating under temporary licenses while the Metropolitan Police Department investigated their suitability for licenses after being cited by the county for a series of code violations.

The county, which announced the license rejections in a news release, said county regulations require liquor licensees to "strictly enforce" county and state laws that ban "any lewd activity, nudity or topless activity (as well as) disorder, disturbances, or other activities, which endanger the health or safety of the patrons." That list covers about everything we can expect of a Lindsey Lohan appearance tonight at Prive'.

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